At the beginning of November I did a quick running shoot at the Flatiron Vista trail with Rhiannon McClatchey. We met a little bit too late and only got a few shots in before the sun dropped below the Flatirons. Lesson: projected Sunset Times do not take mountains into consideration. But it was a beautiful fall day and I was just happy to be out. I love all the trails in front of the Flatirons. So beautiful.
Category: trail running
Photograph featured in Summer 2013 Men’s Journal Issue!

I got a text from my friend Broderick yesterday morning. “Men’s Journal? nice work!”
I was very confused. I’ve never submitted anything to Men’s Journal. Then I took a look at my Tandem Stock site. There were a couple of pending payments. I wrote to Tandem and they said, indeed Men’s Journal had purchased this image for use. I went to the store and picked up the magazine. There it was, Page 11! It’s a nice spread. I’m psyched to have my shot in such a high profile magazine, but it would have been nice to know that was happening.
Thanks to Broderick for going shooting with me a couple of years ago.
Running at Marshall Mesa
I always enjoy shooting running. It always tests my limits and, well, my equipment’s too. It’s not slow and precise like climbing where I can pick my shots carefully. With running it’s all about timing. It also reminds me of why I want to replace my 5DMkII….autofocus.
When coming up with ideas for shoots, a lot of times the most difficult part is deciding on a location. I’d driven past Marshall Mesa several times and always found the landscape intriguing. Since I didn’t really want to go too far for this shoot, it seemed like the ideal place. Plus I got in a climbing session at nearby Eldo immediately afterwards.