Trailrunning with Beth

 Last week I met Beth Kolakowski in the Mount Sanitas parking area before dawn, and she took me to her favorite trailrunning spot, on a hill that overlooks north Boulder. It was the perfect spot to shoot some running in beautiful morning light. 

This buck was really intent on watching Beth run. “What is she running from?”

Beth, so excited to be running!

Running with Rhiannon

At the beginning of November I did a quick running shoot at the Flatiron Vista trail with Rhiannon McClatchey. We met a little bit too late and only got a few shots in before the sun dropped below the Flatirons. Lesson: projected Sunset Times do not take mountains into consideration. But it was a beautiful fall day and I was just happy to be out. I love all the trails in front of the Flatirons. So beautiful.