A Different Perspective

I work a few hours each week with the organization Madelife in Boulder as a photography mentor. I enjoy getting to share my love for and knowledge of photography with other hungry creatives. A couple of weeks ago I was talking with one of the apprentices about changing your perspective and brought up a few photos of mine as an example. I then flipped the images to show how you can gain a new perspective just by rotating an image…and BAM I loved my new images!

I went to St. Peter’s in the Vatican in 2009, and while waiting for the Pope to speak I was standing around bored. I started photographing people’s shadows on the cobblestone and I loved the shapes it made.

But by rotating the images you get a whole new image that I think I love even more! 

Play. Experiment. Change your perspective!  

Photo-A-Day 3: Shadows

Ah! I missed a day already. Not good. 
In Rome, I met a group of Australians who really wanted to go see the Pope speak in St. Peter’s Basilica. A large crowd waits for hours to hear the Pope offer a blessing in their own language. Standing around, I was…antsy. I started taking photos of the people around me, but many gave me unpleasant looks. I pointed my camera at the ground. I love the result. Also, side note. I love the winter sun that sits low in the sky all day making beautiful light. This was shot at nearly noon. 

Day 2: Photo-A-Day

I think when a lot of people take do a photo-a-day blog they try and take a photo a day. While this is a great exercise and one that I hope to incorporate into this, the last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I sometimes don’t have time to break out my camera. So…I post photos from my past that I love but haven’t necessarily gotten a lot of attention.

In 2009 I took a whirlwind tour around Europe. This provided me with a TON of photography material. Some of my favorite shots from my trip were random details. This fountain sits in front of the Pantheon in Rome (one of my favorite places in Europe). I had the shot framed and the second before I took the photo this pigeon hopped up the back of the statue’s head. I loved that.

I don’t get out enough and just shoot. I need that inspiration again. Katie Collins…I need your inspiration again. Till next time, do as I say, not as I do. Get out and shoot everything!