When it rains, it pours.

It happens with bad days; one thing compounds into the next. But this time it rained work. I came to Hyderabad for a shoot for a company that tries to send mobile health clinic vans to every village that doesn’t have access to a medical clinic within 3kms. Then someone requests model portfolio shoot. I get asked to submit a quote for a fashion shoot for a Celebrity News magazine. I establish contact with Climbing Magazine, and they want me to submit a portfolio. I’ll get to those in a bit. All exciting. I ended up shooting almost everyday last week, which is good but exhausting. Even on Sunday I ended up taking portraits of my friend Emmanuel, something I had wanted to do since I met him.

The friend of a friend I was staying with allowed me to use his all white room for the photoshoot, which I am extremely grateful. It worked perfectly and allowed me a lot of freedom when working with only two speedlite strobes. I could bounce light off anything, it was great. Here are some of my favorites.

More Photos After the Break!