A look back

Here in Hyderabad I’ve been evaluating what I want to pursue. Above all I love photography. I love to shoot. Despite the massive digital display on my camera, I love the feeling the joy of seeing the images big on my screen for the first time.

One vain of photography I have not thought about or put much effort towards is fashion photography. For some reason – I don’t know if being here is consequential – I now have a desire to pursue fashion photography, at least to some extent. There are some friends here that I would love to use as models. I’ve spent the last few days studying fashion photographers and today I went back through my old work to see what I had. I asked my friend Felicia if I could use her for a fashion shoot way back in 2007. I never used most of these images for anything, but today I re-edited them. I am pleased with the images I got two years back. I am excited to see what work comes of this new desire.