Blind Sketching & Creativity

I really want to draw more. I enjoy using that part of my brain, and it doesn’t get used nearly enough. I wish I had the time/patience/money to paint. I miss the days in High School of experimenting with new painting techniques (new to me at least). I guess I really thrive on being creative. I know I have to be creative in my photography, but somehow that is not enough.

More Sketches After the Jump! –>

I write. I’ve written music for years, playing small shows with just me and my acoustic guitar. At fifteen and sixteen I would write short stories modeled after my favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut. Going back and reading what I wrote then I am impressed, and I feel like I lost something in my writing as I grew (in my creative writing, not my music – I just laugh when I think about the songs I used to play for people).

I film. I have wanted to buy a video camera for years after making short films in the woods with the guys I played paintball with as a kid. When it came time to upgrade my camera this last time, I was delighted that Canon had included HD Video as a key feature in the new camera. This opened up the possibility of high quality video recording using my DSLR and my professional lenses (which saved me from having to invest in a whole new system for video). I posted a short film in November of an experiment using my studio strobe modeling lights. This short was well received and I’ve been asked when I will do more films. I have started writing a script for a completely different kind of short film. I am enjoying writing the script, working in fiction and making someone else’s life come to…well, life. It’s also possible put your own problems and experiences onto someone else, looking at how funny or stupid the seem from the outside. Not sure it will give me any answers, but it helps looking at it from different angles.

I sketch. I like to sit in public areas and draw, quickly sketching people and their actions. As I said before, I want to do this more often. These images came about while I was sitting in the back of a car driving from one village to another on this last assignment. The road was incredibly bumpy and I decided to see what my sketches would look like if I closed my eyes and tried to draw. These are the result.

These are supposed to be women.

This is supposed to be a bottle.

This is supposed to be a landscape.

2 thoughts on “Blind Sketching & Creativity”

  1. I think its awesome that you have so many creative outlets. I found myself wanting to be creative but the only thing I'm good at is photography. I used to wish I could sing, play music, draw, etc. but photography fills that void 🙂

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